Yeager Canyon Oct 14

A three-trail loop from Hwy 89A on the western side of Mingus Mountain.
PA280001   YEAGER CANYON PA280003   The first trail of our three-trail loop PA280006   The old bridge that preceded Hwy 89A PA280007   Starting the steep climb...
PA280008 PA280009 PA280010 PA280011
PA280012   Lots of pricky pear today PA280013 PA280014   A view of Prescott Valley PA280016
PA280017 PA280019 PA280020 PA280021
PA280025 PA280026 PA280027   It's all downhill from here PA280028   Lichen on a rock
PA280030 PA280031 PA280032 PA280033
PA280034 PA280036 PA280037 PA280038
PA280039   We encounter a deciduous forest, giving us some color PA280042 PA280043 PA280046
PA280047 PA280048 PA280050   Time for a break PA280051
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PA280059 PA280060 PA280062 PA280063
PA280064 PA280065 PA280066   We turn onto the third and final trail of this loop PA280067
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